Know The Pests – Disease Information As Well

Pests & Their Hazards

There are plenty of harmful pests that pass disease, causing property damage and presenting new health threats. Spread through accidental or unintentional means, these pests grow rapidly and quickly establish themselves in various regions of the country.

These insects can be a nuisance, and in some cases, even pose danger to your health or property. It is wise to take care of a home bug problem as soon as possible before it escalates into a serious issue. Fighting against pests with Mortein spray is the ideal way to get rid of them.

Here are some pests to look out for in and around your home and the health hazards they possess:


There are different species of mosquitoes (Anopheles, Aedes & Culex) and these have completely different preferred habitats, times when they are active and types of bite. The larvae that produce the adults develop in areas of stagnant water (receptacles, reservoirs, ponds, lakes, etc.).

These ‘deadliest creatures in the world’, as per the World Health Organization WHO, are responsible for transmitting deadly viruses and diseases, such as malaria, chikungunya virus and dengue fever to name a few.

Their flight can be more or less noisy; their bite is not always painful. Half of all mosquito bites occur through clothing.

Fire Ants

Fire ants range in colour from red-brown to black, and grow up to 1/4 inch in length. They build nests or mounds about 1 foot high, usually in grassy areas like lawns and pastures. Unlike most anthills, fire ant nests don’t have just one entrance. The ants crawl all over the hill.

Fire ants are very aggressive when their nest is disturbed. If provoked, they swarm on the perceived intruder, anchor themselves by biting to hold the skin stable, and then sting repeatedly, injecting a toxin alkaloid venom called solenopsin. These red or black venomous ants pack a painful, stinging bite that appears as a swollen red spot that develops a blister on top. Their stings burn, itch and may last up to a week.

They may cause a dangerous, severe allergic reaction in some people, resulting in swelling, generalized itching, and difficulty breathing.


Fleas are tiny bugs. They don’t grow much larger than the tip of a pen, and they range from light brown to almost black in colour. They don’t have wings, so they get around by jumping from place to place. They reproduce rapidly, especially if you have pets in the house. But even if you don’t have pets, your yard can potentially play host to fleas, and you may end up with a bunch of mysterious bites. They’re almost impossible to get rid of without Mortein spray.

Flea bites are usually located in clusters on the lower legs and feet. The itchy, red bumps are surrounded by a red halo. Symptoms include itchiness, and the skin around each bite may become sore or painful. You may experience hives or develop a rash near the site of a bite.


Bedbugs are small insects that feed on blood from humans or animals. They can dwell in your bed, furniture, carpet, clothing and other belongings. They’re most active at night, feeding on people while they sleep. Bedbugs can be 5 to 7 millimetres long. They’re flat, oval-shaped, and reddish-brown in colour. They don’t have wings, so they rely on animals or humans to carry them from one place to another.

Although bedbug bites are rarely dangerous, they can be very itchy. In some cases, they become infected or cause an allergic reaction.

If you suspect there are bedbugs living in your home, get rid of them with the help of Mortein spray.

The itchy rash is caused by an allergic reaction to the bedbug bite. The small rashes have red, swollen areas and dark-red centers. Bites may appear in a line or grouped together, usually on areas of the body not covered by clothing, such as the hands, neck, or feet. There may be very itchy blisters or hives at the bite site.


Cockroaches are considered to be dangerous as an allergen source and asthma trigger. They may also carry certain bacteria that can cause illnesses if left on food. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), cockroaches do not bite. They can, however, scratch you with their heavy leg spines. And because they carry bacteria, a cockroach scratch could potentially become infected.

Cockroaches are one of the most common sources of indoor allergens. It’s thought that the enzymes found in the excrement, shedding body parts, eggs, and saliva of cockroaches cause allergic reactions in many people.
