How to Host a pest-free outdoor party

Warmer months and longer days are perfect for those relaxed backyard barbies with friends and family. But warmer months also bring with them an increase in the number of unwanted pests. Don’t let these uninvited bugs ruin your fun. By following a few simple steps for insect control you can ensure there are no unwelcome guests at your outdoor gathering. A quick spray of Mortein Ultra Fast Cockroach Killer will also deter cockroaches. Mosquitoes love a good backyard barbecue, so luckily there are a number of options available to keep them at bay. One option is to light a few Mortein Mosquito coils that will repel them for up to eight hours.  With all the food at a barbecue, flies could have a field day, so be sure to keep all your food covered. Using an automatic insect control system is also an effective fly repellent. Handy hints: Seal food in containers whenever possible and wipe tabletops frequently. Take utensils and dishware indoors shortly after the meal. Rinse all beverage bottles and cans, and dispose of them in tightly closed garbage containers.