Our Mission: Dengue No More!

In 2019, Mortein recognized the severity of Dengue in a country like Pakistan, where this potentially life threatening disease posed a serious threat to more than 170 million people with no vaccine available. With protection and prevention as the only cure, it was imperative to communicate a hard-hitting approach to the people as preventive measures, coupled with the repercussions if they weren’t adopted soon enough.

Leveraging its decades-old legacy as a trusted name in the country’s household pest control category, as well as best-in-class solutions and global standards of compliance, Mortein decided to initiate its mission #DengueAbNahi empowering people to join its mission to prevent people from contracting the life threatening disease – Dengue. These preventive measures can be taken by all Pakistanis at home by themselves- with the power of Mortein aerosol sprays and LED machines that provide 100% mosquito protection.

The hard hitting approach was then taken through emotional touchpoints, making the entire communication relevant to the audience.

#DengueAbNahi was envisaged as more than just a yet-another-advertising-campaign, it was intended to accelerate an anti-Dengue sentiment in Pakistan. The campaign was launched with a digital video which raised awareness about Dengue as a disease that can happen to anyone. In the video, people from all provinces communicate the same message, in their regional languages. The message was quite clear - every Pakistani must take preventive measures against Dengue with Mortein, introducing the campaign hashtag #DengueAbNahi.

This was followed by a set of three TVCs, each devised with a specific objective. The first TVC was the Purpose copy with Shaan Shahid as the brand ambassador, who transcends generational gaps and enjoys top of mind appeal across Pakistan. His persona as the defender of Pakistan against all threats and an undeterred fighter in the face of adversity, he embodies the brand personality of Mortein and the main awareness vehicle.

The second copy with the doctor’s credentials highlighted aerosol sprays with their best in class efficacy providing 100% kill and protection guarantee.

The third copy was the mother’s recommendation, where the LED machine was highlighted with its 100% mosquito protection for the family.

To substantiate the claim of all 3 copies, a specially-designed research was conducted to endorse the assertion of Mortein being Pakistan’s/Doctors’/Mothers’ primary choice when it comes to protection against Dengue which was integrated as an RTB in the communication.

The primary purpose of the digital leg was to maximize awareness. Assets were contextualized according to areas of interest closely associated with our audience – entertainment, sports, food and health and amplified on Facebook and YouTube.

In the wake of COVID-19 pandemic, it was critical to reinforce awareness about Dengue which was still prevalent. In order to retain TOM awareness for the brand and to break clutter across media, an extensive PR leg was rolled out which included a multi-celebrity asset highlighting the importance of being #ProtectedAtHome during the lockdown, along with activating local publishers, Facebook groups and Instagram influencers.

To push BTL activations for #DengueAbNahi awareness, kiosks were set up in leading hospitals across Pakistan, disseminating critical information through pamphlets, free Mortein samples and BA pitches.

In-store branding for #DengueAbNahi was activated on retail through partnerships where special product packages and customized letters were delivered in-person at key stores across the country. Retailers were engaged with testimonial videos, highlighting the impact of Dengue and Anti-Dengue kit checkout counters with LED machines were placed in stores across Pakistan.